Acting Technique: Animal Work with Paul Miller

Paul takes participants through a process he has developed whilst teaching at the Drama Centre London and working as an actor. Based on the work of Uta Hagen he gently allows actors to find themselves within a character using their intelligence, imagination, and skills in transformation.
Animals are an actor’s friend. We can learn a lot from them. Animal work is a wonderful tool for creating a physical life different from our own and essential work in our quest to create a character.
We base our work on animal movements and behavior through detailed observation. We become the animal totally. From the humble rabbit and to the majestic eagle to the comical duck and proud lion. Once the animal has been established in our bones we understood it’s dynamics we slowly see how our investigations affect our bodies when we start to humanize the movements. You will find that you truly become someone other than yourself. Down to the way you lift your foot and scratch your ear.
We will work on characters that you bring to the workshop and create brand-new ones to improvise with. The workshop will culminate in improvised scenes using the characters we have uncovered. The workshop will be friendly, open, and fun and will involve all sides of your creativity. Please bring a sketchbook and pencil and pens.
PREPARATION: Here’s what Paul has to say: ”People will need to look at three different animals and a goose. By look at I mean investigate, watch, study. When people join the course I encourage them to email me directly go through various things before we meet. People seem to like this approach”.
Application for financial support in Germany: GVL, FFA and Bildungsprämie
MAX: 16 Participants
COST: 330,- before 1 September, 360,- After 1 September